Trip to John's Cottage
This section is back by popular demand, with more and bigger pictures.
On the weekend of July 31st 2003 or 2004, John and his girlfriend Katie invited some of their friends down to his cottage. This has been the entire highlight of my summer up until this point. This section of the website was created because I can't send these pics easily to the people involved in the trip. So I'm using this web space sort of like a communal album using some of the highlight pics.
Anyhow this is where the story begins. Shortly after arriving we went down to the beaches of Inverness. I forgot my camera so there are no pics to show. After getting back we had supper and then made a fire to sit by. Then the camera came out.

The first pic is of my cousin cc, all ready to par-tay.

Ritchie doing some yard work before the festivities.

Here's the fridge all stocked up with Root Beer.

CC approves of something.


CC and John with an odd pose... the root beer is not even open yet.

John with his chest out, but still lacking in size.

People by the fire.

Rich looks like a zombie

The guys less JK

A lack of lighting equipment (none of us smoke) led us to more innovative solutions... necessity is the mother of all invention. In this case one of our Bug Repellent candles.

Rich and me with our cigs and beer

JK with cigar.

CC looks like he knows what he's doing.

And the hot dogs come out... CC tried to roast a sausage

The carbon is awfully reflective.

Burnt Marshmallow

By the fire

CC entranced by the marshmallow.

Lighting a cigar of a marshmallow

CC and me

Time for bed!