The Executive Meeting
What do my friends and me do for fun you say? Well we get together and act like executives. When I say act, I mean we don't do it half-assed. We go the whole way because we are hard core. You don't believe me? Just look at this powerpoint presentation that was created by Katie depicting our "executive meeting". (Please don't judge us by our "odd" behavior) We're not executives yet, but we can act the part. Now, on with Katie's power point with a special guest... the Fireplace Turtle.
The file is quite big (10mb). So if the presentation does not load in a timely manner, just right click on the link and select "save target as" from the drop down menu to save it to your hard drive. If you don't want to download it (for some unknown stupid reason)I have a high speed connection and it took about 3-4 mins to open... so just be patient. It is well worth the wait.
Here's a preview:

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